How Sewer Lateral Taps Connect Your House to the Sewer Line

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A lateral sewer pipe operates underground by connecting the house to the main sewer line of the city. It usually carries all the waste from your kitchen and bathroom and dumps it in the city sewer area, and maintains efficiency in your home’s plumbing. But make sure you don’t flush down foreign objects like disposable diapers or grease down the toilet because they can clog the lateral taps connecting the sewer lines, and that can have significant consequences.

Installation of lateral taps

Installing a lateral sewer line is a tedious job. It includes obtaining permission from the government, research local codes, and checking the other sewage and water lines connected in a specific area. If a new lateral line needs to be installed, the plumbing team will investigate the correct lineage because they need to be accurate with their zoning.

When a lateral sewer line is compromised, it may have severe consequences on the entire plumbing system of the house or the building. An efficient plumber has the right tools to pinpoint the source of the problem and fix it to avoid potential damage to the building or home.

Sometimes the plumbers use a bio-mat filter in the septic tank that catches almost 95% of the particles flushed down the toilet. The lateral tap allows the water to dissipate into the ground. This is the wastewater that flows through the sewer lines along with the solid dump from the toilets. Since the home’s sewer line runs underground, it is difficult to understand if the lateral tap is functioning correctly or not. That is why it is essential to hire a plumber for scheduled maintenance every few months.

Importance of repairing lateral taps

There are many reasons why lateral taps may damage over time. You may have had a harsh winter last season that froze several pipes running around the house. That is an indication that the lateral tap may also be affected. Sometimes, they even crack because the wastewater freezes inside. In such a case, you should contact a plumber immediately to check if the lateral sewer line is functioning properly.

Houses that are old and dilapidated have an even older plumbing system underground. Years of rust can damage the sewer lateral tap, and the waste from the house may not reach the main sewer line. To tackle this problem, the plumber may repair the lateral tap or replace it to fix the sewer line. Bursting pipes and flooding of waste material around the house is never a pretty sight. That is why periodic maintenance is essential to make sure the lateral tap is alright.

There are instances when an immediate replacement of the lateral tap is imminent. If there is a crack in a pipe and it is losing pressure fast, there is a broken connection, or there is a burst pipe underground, call a plumber without wasting time. Broken pipes can cause significant damage to your house, and if the lateral tap is also damaged soon, the entire front yard and your home may flood with water and waste materials.

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